An unreliable memoir

Posts tagged “abstract



Nikon D7200 Tokina 100mm f5.6 1/50 ISO 200



Supercoiling occurs when a structure such as these three elastic bands relieves the helical stress of overtwisting by twisting around itself.

Do you remember when,
Things were really hummin’,
Yeah, let’s twist again,
Twistin’ time is here!


Nikon D7200, EL Nikkor 50mm f2.8N (reversed), f5.6, 1/80 ISO 800, 12 image focus stack.



Oval (from Latin ovum, “egg”) a closed curve in a plane which loosely resembles the outline of an egg.

I’ve spent a lot of time recently photographing and processing complex natural shapes (all those crinkly bits!) so it’s a nice change to slip into a bit of minimalism. I fretted for a while that the black eclipse line didn’t line up with the equator of the egg before I thought about the problems of representing three dimensional shapes as two dimensional images. If you think about it, solving this problem tells you a lot about the geometry of an oval.

How minimal? This simple composition seems perfect for black and white conversion, but in the end the colour version showing the blue of the LED light won out SOOC. Happy Easter.



And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind.

Toy globe, show shutter.

Move The World

Move The World

Eppur si muove.

Reach for the skies

Intermediate Screw-moss, Syntrichia intermedia

Intermediate Screw-moss, Syntrichia intermedia.

Intermediate Screw-moss



What can I say? Life continues to be photographically challenging. Bit miffed not to have perfect symmetry down the central spine in this shot, but it was actually curved not straight so that wasn’t possible without Photoshop furtling.

Cactus. Sony DSC-HX20V f3.5 5.8mm 1/30 ISO 800


Pheasant feather
This pheasant is phucked. I’m not a pheasant plucker, I picked a feather up from the ground – honest.

Pheasant feather

Pheasant feather