An unreliable memoir

Posts tagged “sky

Up The Creek

Up The Creek

Although it didn’t exist during my lifetime, in my childhood the folk memory of the tide mill that stood on this very spot was still strong. Now a petrol filling station stands on the site. Sustainable, clean, low tech, inexhaustible energy has gone for ever – they filled in the creek and built a Morrisons on it. The future is up the creek.

Story of the shot
Access was very restricted, behind a wall at the head of the creek. Ideally I would like to have shot from lower down – close to water level – but that wasn’t possible. The dimensions of the creek allowed me to emphasise perspective using a vertically oriented shot and a short focal length (20mm). I only had a few feet on either side to change the composition but I’m reasonably happy with position of the leading line provided by the channel. The light was tricky – clouds meant it kept changing. I underexposed by one stop (f8) to avoid burning out the sky but still got 1/750th exposure on ISO 100, so hand held. Minimal post processing other than using a gradient to notch back the exposure on the clouds slightly and black and while conversion and tweaking via an Adjustment Layer. Probably would have been better to tweak the sky with a polarizing filter but it was starting to rain so I didn’t – it was also darn cold and I needed to go to Morrison’s.

Stormy Weather

Stormy Weather

a.k.a. “Impression Sunset”. Move over Mr Turner.
Quick iPhone shot on the way home, shortly after which, surprisingly, I didn’t get soaked.

Come back Sun, all is forgiven


Bust a gut making that henge. Thank the ancestors it worked.

Shortest day

Nikon D5200 Tamron 17-50mm f8 18mm 1/1500 ISO 100



Normally, today would be the shortest day. But this year it’s not (it’s complicated). In reality, around these parts the shortest day is determined not by the calendar but by the weather. On Saturday there was no dawn. In fact, it never really bothered to get light at all. But today, the sun dawned bright and clear at 08.14 sharp. Which is reason to celebrate.

Then it rained.

Nikon D5200 Tamron 17-50mm f4 17 mm 1/4000 ISO 100

Mono version:


A New Dawn

A New Dawn

A New Dawn

Testing WordPress for photoblogging.